Friday, June 19, 2009

Immigration Reform

As I learn more about the issues of immigration reform, I have walked away from the black and white standard responses of my previous positions. My mind has been touched by real life situations that bust some myths wide open. My heart has been broken in repentance for systemic sins.

Through further study of Scripture, I have gained broader perspective on citizenship, personalized alien status, and looked deeper into the eyes of people impacted by this complicated issue. I am now cautious about blaming a people group for problems, without being willing to listen. As a public educator, I have a higher purpose when I look into the eyes of a child. I grasp the power of education to move out of poverty. I will work to educate that child. I cannot police who is deserving.

I must continue to learn. I am called to love...God, neighbors, and enemies. That will keep me busy for years. I look forward to moments that nurture understanding and establish caring conversation on the topic.

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