Friday, May 25, 2012

Election Thoughts and a NYTimes Opinion Essay

I recently read an opinion in the New York Times titled Do As I Do, Not As I Say. It starts like this: "
IT’S election season, and once again Democrats are flummoxed by evangelical voters. They think that 'those people' vote against their own self-interest. They cannot believe that same-sex marriage matters so much to so many people. They don’t get why Obamacare is controversial. To them, evangelicals don’t make sense. That’s because evangelicals and secular liberals (the most puzzled Democrats) think about life — and therefore politics — in such utterly different ways."

Here is my response:

I enjoyed this view and it was well expressed. I am an evangelical, a "white" female, and in my late 50's. I am also a registered voter as an Independent.

I appreciate it when others do not generalize evangelicals. I've noticed more often than not evangelicals are spoken of as in one political camp. There is another group of us, as evidenced by your statement "back in 2008, a quarter of white evangelicals voted for Mr. Obama." Not all evangelicals rally in predictable ways. Thank you for noting that here.

It would have also been interesting to compare your observations of evangelicals by urban and suburban/rural subgroups. That may have brought a more interesting perspective. I have found city evangelicals tend to lean towards a candidate that is a Democrat. I would also enjoy your evangelical observations for different levels of education. That is another subgroup split where evangelicals might be divided on presidential choice.

I appreciated your paragraph that begins "If Democrats want to reach more evangelical voters...." Those statements are part of why I voted for a Dem president in recent elections. I think you make a good point. I do hear some of the language you suggest.

I do think deeply about issues and the role of government within my worldview. I find a better fit usually with the Democratic platform on election day. However, that being said, I realize no candidate can truly deliver on promises because of how the system functions (or not).

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