Saturday, January 02, 2010

Kierkegaard - "Only A Rumor"

I read an article today by Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher of the 1800's. It is titled "Only a Rumor." I found the simple premise profound and engaging.

In response to Matthew 2:1-4, Kierkegaard states, "Although the scribes could explain where the Messiah should be born, they remained quite unperturbed in Jerusalem. They did not accompany the wise men to seek him. Similarly we may know the whole of Christianity, yet make no movement. The power that moved heaven and earth leaves us completely unmoved."

Kierkegaard continues, "What a difference! The three kings had only a rumor to go by. But it moved them to make that long journey. The scribes were much better informed, much better versed. They sat and studied the Scriptures like so many dons, but it did not make them move. Who had the more truth? The three kings who followed a rumor, or the scribes who remained sitting with all their knowledge?"

This provides a good launch to the new year. I need to seek, not just study. Seeking is active and implies movement. Off I go! The wise men had more than a rumor, according to Scripture. They also had a star to follow. I'll follow.


Glen Peterson said...

Once, I told a seminary professor that we shouldn't spend more time studying until we had a better handle and acting on what we already know. As I recall, it was like he didn't understand what I was talking about. He probably thought it was just a rumor.

Lisa Dabbs said...

I will choose to follow the star too!

Lisa Dabbs said...
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Mrs. Coral Kenagy said...

I love it! I love the simplistic concept that Keirkegaard is talking about and yet how powerful it is. Small and powerful... that seems to be the most popular method God uses I think.

Often times I find myself wondering if I ought to be learning more before acting on Holy Spirit hunches I have... this makes me think not.

I dually love your perspective and the way your mind works.

Katt said...

Can you help me find the Kierkegaard essay? I googled it and can't seem to find it...I love your insight on it! Thanks.

Katt said...

Can you help me find the Kierkegaard essay? I googled it and can't seem to find it...I love your insight on it! Thanks.