Monday, June 11, 2012

Fear and Grace

A quote posted on Facebook by friend Robert Chao Romero stated, "When we fear our life circumstances it's like telling God "You are not enough." Rev. Albert Tate (Paraphrase)

I experienced fear in bold font the past several years, off and on, possibly due to financial struggle or just a stage of life. That statement is so true for me.

To go further, the feelings of fear are real and must be acknowledged, a place to begin a scavenger hunt to search for and become more alert to God's grace. Disguised in life's difficult circumstances, God remains true. His strength, support, and goodness may be whispered or at times shouted, hidden in ways only noticed upon looking back, or shining in details that provide a way, so one can make it through the moment, the in an awareness that God is enough. And awareness I never really was enough, never really had the control I thought I had, and that is OK.

Note: I've been learning these lessons on God's grace, and the book One Thousand Gifts helped crystallize it this past year.