Butch and I attended Wheaton College together. We have distantly recently reconnected via Facebook. He recently posted this paragraph which I found to be profound. I want to preserve it here on this blog to refer to and reflect on in the future. Life moves so fast. I need to anchor in broad thoughts like these. Thank you, Butch.
"In a world with conflicting views on just about everything here is one truth for... which you can be certain. Your life will be filled with uncertainty. The anxiety and fear which this produces is often the result of trying to control things totally outside the realm of human effort. Serenity and peace come when we embrace the bucking bronco of life secure in the reality our Father has everything in mind and with a view of forever. What we call a temporary disaster may in fact be His realignment of our lives to something better. When we lose hope and pour cold waters of doubt on the languishing fires of faith we are actually telling the God of the universe...'You are failing at your job!'"