Lord, we cry out on behalf
Of immigrants throughout our land.
Dispel the myths. Squelch the lies.
Move in the hearts of Americans.
Open eyes to the complexity.
Turn hearts to compassion.
Lord, I pray for progress.
We depend on you for change.
You, the creator of all mankind,
the author of dignity,
the source of love,
help us encourage others to truly see
the neighbor, the stranger,
the power of love over law.
Protect the activists and advocates.
Give them wisdom and strength.
Grant them access to decision makers.
Bless them with love for those who disagree,
Yet quiet the organizations
that divide and destroy.
Help us be patient in the waiting,
Focused on the value,
Kind in our approach,
As we make others aware,
Challenge others to change,
And invite the country to
A renewed perspective, an
American foundational truth.
Please bring reform that keeps families together,
Provides a reasonable path to citizenship,
Grant grace to the good workers,
And most of all, Lord,
Please push the Dream Act
Into action on behalf of our
Immigrant students.
We do not know how you will act.
We come expectantly.
This is the day.
This is the time.
We, the church, must walk on
seeking You
To move mightily for justice.